Hurricane Locksmith Service

Hurricane Locksmith Service






Hurricane Locksmith Service was performed by a locksmith in West Palm Beach during Hurricane Irma.  We had so many calls before and after Irma finished its tear on Florida.  We had calls from shutter lockouts, House Lockouts, and Lock Changes.

We always have our usual million shutter keys lost call.  But unfortunately, we don’t carry all the shutter keys because there is just to many. Locksmith West Palm Beach does open all shutter lockouts by picking the locks.  That goes before and after the hurricanes.

House lockouts were crazy this Hurricane Irma.  I have to say we were one of the only locksmiths open.  I had plans to go to New Orleans with my family but we decided to stay and help all in need of a Locksmith in West Palm Beach.  It was a good thing cause all the techs took off cause of gas and preparation of Irma.  Me and my neon were busy nonstop helping with all Locksmith needs.

Locksmith West Palm Beach also had several change locks which I found unusual with the number of calls for it.  It was a crazy time to think about changing their locks but the customers wanted and we did it.  The hours were all day and night non-stop.  Traveling back and forth from West Palm Beach to Boca Raton at least twenty times.

Locksmith West Palm Beach had the pleasure to service a house lockout to a great news anchor Holland Davis at WPTV.  Her work on the news covering Hurricane Irma was on point and saved lives.  It was such an honor to help such a great person who worked three days straight to keep South Florida informed about Hurricane Irma.  She even thanked A Lenny Locksmith by a tweet which she didn’t have to do but did and it showed what a class act and kind person she is.  Here at Locksmith West Palm Beach-A Lenny Locksmith we are happy Irma is gone but we saw how great Floridians help one another and I am proud to be one.


Hurricane Locksmith Service





