Locksmith tips to keep your home safe while on vacation

Locksmith tips to keep your home safe while on vacation





Locksmith tips to keep your home safe while on vacation. With the holiday season over and spring fast approaching it is the time when people start planning vacations. Leaving your house while on vacation can be stressful. Making you your home is secure can alleviate some of that stress so you can enjoy your trip. So what are some extra precautions you can take to ensure your home is still secure when you return? The most obvious things are to make sure the locks on your doors are in working order and turn on your security alarm if you have one. What are some other things you can do to detour potential intruders?

Have someone stay at your home while you are gone. The next best thing to having you inside your home is having someone you trust stay there. Having a relative or close friend house sit while you are away ensures someone is home while you are gone. If you don’t have anyone that can stay at your home while you are away having someone check in turn lights off and on makes it look as if someone is home. More than likely potential intruders will skip over the houses where someone is home. Anything you can do to make it look as if someone is there is good.  Our locksmith services you can always call for some more pointers or questions.

Don’t blab all over that you are going out of town. Ever heard of the saying loose lips sinks ships? This fits very well in this situation. If you tell everyone you are going on vacation or blast it all over social media this lets everybody know you will not be home. It gives the opportunity for potential intruders to know exactly when your house will be unoccupied. Only tell people you trust or you absolutely have to that you won’t be home. You can tell everyone about your trip when you get home!

Intruders aren’t the only thing you need to worry about when going on vacation. Accidents can happen at anytime but if they happen when you are on a trip it can be disastrous. Unplug all unnecessary electronics before leaving. You can even turn your main water valve off if you are going to be gone for a lengthy trip. Anything that may be hazardous if left for long periods of time should be secure before leaving.

If you are worried about the security of your home or if you want to upgrade your locks before you leave call A Lenny Locksmith West Palm Beach. We can have one of our experienced technicians come take a look at your home to ensure it is secured properly.


Locksmith tips to keep your home safe while on vacation

