Sliding Glass Door Lock Replace

Sliding Glass Door Lock Replace

Sliding Glass Door Lock Replace


Sliding Glass Door Lock Replace is an important lock to keep working properly.  The only thing that people don’t realize is that you should have a back up to that lock. Locksmith West Palm beach will show you in this writing why the back up is more important than the lock.

Locksmith West Palm Beach when doing a house lockout looks at all the available ways for entry and the easiest and cheapest for the customer.  For example if the customer has high security locks we proceed to the sliding glass door.  The first thing the Locksmith looks is there a pole or bar on the floor of the sliding glass door.  Seven out of ten times there is no pole or bar and that lets Locksmith West Palm Beach know this is easiest point of entry.

After that the locksmith will proceed to the door and open it without breaking nothing in a matter of seconds.  When we mentioned that you should have a back up lock we meant it.  The best thing is that the back up lock is a pole or a bar.  Which means it can be a mop handle bar or a simple pole and that means hardly no cost.  Some customers sometimes rather get a custom bar and you can purchase it at Home depot or hardware store.

Now as a Locksmith if we were to see the pole or bar we would be forced to either to pick the front door or drill the locks. But if a burglar was to see it he would move on to another house.  Safety is so important for you and your family.  Here at A Lenny Locksmith in West Palm Beach we try to give you tips every week in our blogs.  If you ever have any questions about safety of locks or anything to do with your house feel free to call anytime.  24 Hour service

Sliding Glass Door Lock Replace

